Monday, October 29, 2012

My Sincere Appreciation and Gratitude

Once again I have to offer up BIG THANKS to all the parents that ordered from the October Scholastic Book Clubs.  We earned many points towards FREE books.  We added to our classroom library this month some all-time favorities  No David, David Goes to School, and David Gets in Trouble all written by David Shannon.  In addition we added Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear  by Alyssa Capucilli. 

This week was also our Parent Teacher Conferences.  I want to give huge thank you's to all parents who were able to make it in to discuss their child's education.  Our class reached the goal of 100% participation in conferences.  Hopefully while here you were able to take a look at the first grade habitats that we had displaying in our hallway.  The students worked hard on these at home {with your help I'm sure} and they were all so very proud of their work.  The students in our class presented their project with their classmates and discussed the things they learned about their habitats.  We then displayed them in the hall to share with all of our parents and families. Your child's habitat project will come home this Friday, November 2nd.  In addition, I hope you saw all our other work that we had displayed in the hallway as well.  If not, take a look at some of the pictures below {they show some of the things we have displayed in our first grade hallway}.

I also want to say another thank you to Scholastics.  This weekend they had a box sale for employees and teachers.  I was so blessed to have the opportunity to attend this box sale.  Let me share my success.  For $18.31 I got the following:  202 books, 1 teacher resource book {Teaching with Eric Carle books}, 2 big books, 17 books on cds {for our Listen to Reading Station}, and 2 packages of reading fingers {for one on one correspondence}.  Wow!  What a deal....right?!!!  I can't thank Scholastics enough for all they do for teachers, parents, and children.  This is not the first box sale I've been to.  Every box sale I attend I come away with many treasures.  They don't have a box sale regularly.  In fact they do not have one every year.  But, when they do I try my best to attend so I can get more books for our classroom.  I spent Sunday afternoon leveling the books I did get so that I could place them in our library for Read to Self.  Of course not every book is leveled in my library.  Many of the books I received will go into the interest portion of our classroom library.  I plan on introducing this portion of our library this week.  I'm sure the kids will be excited about that as it will open up a whole new world of books for them. 

Splat the Cat Literacy Craftivity

We wrote an opinion piece on the story Scaredy Cat Splat!
The creation of Splat the Cat

Our Skeleton System made of Q-tips
One of the Habitat Diaromas

We read many poems and books about Pumpkins.
Our Writing Goal Assessment Line.  The sticky notes indicate the students writing goals.
A Wetland Habitat Diaroma..

 I am also happy to announce that I finally have my new Spiderlific Unit on TpT.  If you are interested check out my shop.  Here is a preview of the new unit.  I know it is a little late, but maybe some of you can use it next year.  I know I will!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

Your parent teacher conference scheduled date and times went home today in your child’s Friday folder.  I have done my best to coordinate your conference times with that of your other children in the elementary building.  If your conference time/date does not work for you, please contact me so we can schedule a conference at another time.  It is the goal of our elementary building to have 100% attendance at our conferences.  All conferences have been scheduled in 15 minute time slots; therefore please arrive on time to your scheduled time.  I look forward to meeting with you and discussing your child’s progress in first grade.

Mrs. Susan M. Hogan

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2012 Field Trip Pictorial

Here's a pictorial of our Fall 2012 field trip to The Peach Tree Farm in Boonville, MO.  We went through a Magnificent Maze, enjoyed a Happenin' Hayride, got to be Pumpkin pickers, and pet/fed some amazing animals.  Enjoy the pictures!

Thank you to all of the parents/grandparents that joined us on this trip.  We all had a wonderful time visiting the farm.  The weather was pretty fantastic too!  We couldn't have asked for a better day!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Peach Tree Farm and Pics of Learning

Our field trip is vastly approaching.  I’m so excited that I am taking my girls {and hubby} to The Peach Tree Farm this weekend to get a sneak peek at this year’s crop.  We go every year as a fam and this year will be no different.  Fall is definitely one of my FAVORTIE times of the year.  With the cooler temps, colorful trees, pumpkin patch fun {pumpkin pie too}, and FUN holidays who wouldn’t enjoy this time of the year.  In anticipation of the upcoming field trip on Tuesday I thought I’d share some pics of my Lilybug at the pumpkin patch.  Last year Elly Sue visited via “mommies tummy.”  Boy I remember being miserable {waddling} around the pumpkin patch, not to mention trying to use a bathroom when there are 200+ kids in a pumpkin patch isn’t the most fun either.  So without my limitations this year ought to be a BLAST.  Remember if you haven’t brought in your field trip permission forms, they MUST be returned by Monday or your child will not be able to attend.   If your family needs assistance in paying the field trip fee please let me know immediately.  I want to ensure that every child has the opportunity to attend this trip and that no child is left out of the learning the students will experience at the farm.  

·         Field trip is Tuesday, October 16th
·         Cost $6
·         Buses will load at 8:15 a.m.
·         Buses will leave the school by approximately 8:30 a.m.
·         Tennis Shoes MUST be worn.
·         All students will need a sack lunch {unless you have asked for a school sack lunch}
·         Buses will return at approximately 1:00 p.m.
·         Chaperones are not charged.  Therefore, if you are chaperoning our field trip please arrive {at least} 15 minutes early, bring a sack lunch, and BE READY FOR SOME FIRST GRADE FUN!