Friday, March 22, 2013

Researcher’s Workshop

My little firsties have been rainforest researches this week.  The students voted for their research topic and were then given a researching partner and a rainforest creature to study.  We have been reading and responding to nonfiction in reading throughout the year.  Last week, we discussed how to react to the information we learned from text and synthesize our learning. This week, they've been diligently reading, writing, talking, drawing, and investigating throughout the course of this week.  They are currently creating posters that will teach others about their rainforest topic.  Take a look at our researcher's workshop...
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Friday, March 15, 2013

Cookie Monster in the Library

Our librarian showed the students in first grade this clip from Sesame Street during their special class time.  The students were voting for their favorite Show-Me Readers book this week.  Afterwards, she showed them this library video clip.  The students were literally rolling out of their chairs laughing.  Therefore, since it was such a hit, I wanted to show you this fun little clip.  Enjoy!

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Friday, March 8, 2013

U.S. Symbols

I don’t know about you…but I feel so behind.  It must be because of all the snow days we had leading up to the month of MARCH!  I can’t even believe how fast February flew  by.  Of course we have still been working on some of our February curriculum.  Those snow days really pushed me behind in class…but we are marching through it all. 
The students have learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln during social studies.  We use Brain Pop Jr. often to enhance the learning of our students.  This is a fabulous site that contains a lot of information and it helps that the kids LOVE Moby!!  Check out this FREE video on U.S. symbols.

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