Monday, June 24, 2013

Sneak Peek…

Now that you’ve seen the colors of my “new-to-me” classroom, I’ll show you the décor theme I’ve gone with this year.  I don’t know if you have heard of Melanie at Schoolgirl Style, but you MUST check her out.  Her little shop is just D-A-R-L-I-N-G!!!  I ordered her Owl Themed classroom set, along with the Turquoise Organization Station.  (The picture below is directly from the Schoolgirl Style Shop.  Click on the picture and it will take you to her shop so you can get this cute little theme too!)
Owl Classroom Theme
These items will definitely help me get the year started right.  I also just ordered the Hang-Up Home Organizer from the 31 Party I just had!  I got it in party punch!  I can’t wait to have this in my room.  Hopefully, it will help me STAY organized all through the year.

Hang-Up Home Organizer
If you’re like me, your busy planning your year and classroom theme as well.  Check out the Schoolgirl Style shop if you haven’t already.  Her prices are reasonable and the items are super cute.  I can’t wait to show you more later once the year begins. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Classroom Makeover!

My “new-to-me” room got a makeover this weekend.  It’s out with the old and in with the NEW.  Myself along with some fabulous helpers…a.k.a. Mom and Dad helped with the painting.  It sure is a good thing because I had never painted a day in my life before this weekend.  The hubby stayed home and watched the girls…thanks to him too for taking such good care of our girlies while I was busy working away.  I thought I’d get it all done this weekend before our custodial staff begins cleaning our rooms on Monday….but I failed to do so.  We came pretty close.  However, it looks like in August we will be doing doors, cabinets, and bathroom.  We’ll probably have a few touch-ups to do as well.  So happy with the progress and the room looks great!  Check it out!!


Not the best photos, but I’ll be sure to post my classroom pictures once I get it all completed with décor and all.  So excited about the coming school year, but for now I’m going to enjoy this time with my children.  Smile

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Updates and a FREEBIE

I have been working away at updating some of my items in my TpT shop.  As a newbie at this I've looked back at some of my units wanting to update them and add more activities for my new bunch of kiddies I'll be getting in the fall.  I'm excited about all the updates.  If you have already purchased some of these units, then you are in luck...all the updates are FREE to you.  All you have to do is re-download them.  Let me know what you think of them.  I'm always looking for constructive feedback and ways that I can make my units better for you.  Like I said, I am new at creating digital items for other teachers, but I love the creative process.  It has really become one of my favorite pastimes.  Check out my newly updated units below.  Click on each picture to visit my little shop!

Writing Menu with Strategy Cards

School's a Hoot Classroom Decor

I am still working on some additions to my Spiderlific Math and Literacy Unit.  So...if you've purchased this be on the lookout for several new additions.  I have A TON of additions I am making to this unit and it just isn't quite ready to edit on my TpT site.  I'll let you know when I get it up.  I am hoping it will be up this coming weekend, as I hope to have more time to work on it.

Now I know everyone enjoys FREEBIES...including me!  One of my goals this year is to offer more freebies to my fellow teachers.  I'm starting off with these adorable bathroom posters.  At the end of this year I moved into a new classroom that contains its very own bathroom.  I knew I was in need of some cute decor to add into my bathroom...particularly rule reminders.  I learned during my two week bout of summer school that the kids needed some simple reminders.  They were forever not flushing the toilet, leaving the water running, and the light on.  Therefore, I created these cute little posters.  I hope you like them and can use them for your kiddies too.

FREEBIE!  Restroom Reminder Posters

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What's on Your Summer Reading List?

Summer...a time for relaxation and catching up on all the reading I just can't seem to get to during the school year.  It seems that the only reading I get accomplished during the school year are the many books I read to my firsties and the books I read to my daughters before bedtime.  Summer is my chance to finally read all those books I wanted and/or tried to read during the school year.  The majority of my summer reading entails professional literature with one or two novels mixed in.  What's on my summer reading list?  The following are books I have promised myself to get through during the summer....along with the children's literature my daughters and I keep up with!  :)  Click on the links below to order from Amazon.  Don't forget to tell me what your reading this summer.


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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Summer's Here

This weekend was my official kick start to summer vacation as the last two weeks I have been busy teaching the new FIRST GRADERS in summer school.  They sure are a fabulous group of kids {who by the way still think of themselves as Kindergartners}.  I am already looking forward to next year.  I have purchased a classroom decor theme from a truly inspiring website.  If you haven't checked out Melanie at School Girl Style you must get over there and look at her stuff.  It is amazing!!!

I recently posted a new decor unit of my own to my little shop at Teacher's Pay Teachers.  Click on the picture below to check it out.  I will be creating more coordinating pages to go with this decor unit as time allows for this summer so be on the lookout for additional organizational items.