Monday, May 7, 2012


I can’t believe it is time to start counting down to the last day of school.  My students have been fabulous firsties.  We are going to celebrate our year with a 10-day countdown to the last day of school.  Each day in our 10-day countdown will have a specific theme and students will be involved in activities built around these themes.  Here is a tentative schedule for our 10-day countdown.  Days and events are subject to change.
5/8:  California Kids Talent Show (students need permission to attend)
5/9:  Friendship Day (bring a snack for our friendship snack mix)
5/10:  MAP/Terra-Nova testing party (students can bring blankets and pillows)
5/11:  Reading Day (students need permission to go to Wood Place Public Library)
                       (Students can bring pillows and blankets)
5/14:  100 Book Challenge Party Day
5/15:  Ice Cream Day (Students need permission to walk to Sonic. 
                           They also need$1.)
5/16:  Bubble Day (bring a small bottle of bubbles)
5/17:  Fun Day (students can bring money for the consession stands)
5/18:  Park Day (students need permission to walk to the park)
5/21:  Last Day (do not bring any book bags or jackets this day)
Please ensure that your child has permission to attend all events away from the elementary school.  If the permission slips are not returned, your child will not be allowed to attend the events.

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