Friday, December 7, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy.....

Hello all~
I apologize for any delay in returning work, posting assignments, distributing book-it certificates, etc.  I was gone on Monday and Tuesday of this week at the Missouri First and Second Grade Conference at the Lake of the Ozarks.  It was a fabulous conference.  I learned so many new and exciting things that I am thrilled about bringing into our classroom to better the instruction and education of our children.  I plan to begin implementing some of these things very don't forget to come and back and see all the new things we will be starting up soon. 

I have been so busy trying to come back into the classroom after a 2-day conference and planning a first birthday for my sweet little Elly Sue.  Yes...that's right she turned ONE today at 12:15 p.m.  I can't believe how fast this year has flown by.  I promise next week will be so much better!!  Here are some reminders for the following week:

Next Wednesday and Thursday the students will be bused out to the high school for rehearsal of our Music program.  Students will be practicing on Wednesday together as a whole grade for the first time.  Then, Thursday we will have our rehearsal in front of Kindergarten and Fifth Grade.  You are welcome to attend the rehearsal as well.

Our class will be creating their gingerbread houses on December 21st during our class party.  With my being absent at the beginning of the week I was unable to get to the donation forms for the gingerbread houses soon enough.  Thank you for volunteering to donate items for our gingerbread houses.  I will be sending those donation forms home today.  Please have those items sent to school as soon as possible.  Again...thank you so much for everything you do.

If you ordered from Scholastics this month....your order has arrived.  They should have been sent home today with your child.  Our next Scholastic order form will not go home until January!!!!'s bye for now.  Enjoy your weekend.  I know I will celebrating with my big girl!!  I'll be sure to post pictures of her party later.

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