Monday, April 29, 2013

Earth Day

WOO  HOOH!!  Our class page has hit over 10,000 site visits!!  This excites me because I hope I have many parent viewers logging on to view all the neat educational activities and lessons their child is apart of everyday in our class.  In addition, I hope that we have other viewers {grandparents, family members of students, and possibly other teachers like me} that find my posts to be informational and insightful.  Either way I am going to keep sharing what my firsties and I are doing in the fabulous world of first grade and I hope you keep coming back more.

Recently, I posted about our solar system research project.  The kiddies had so much fun learning about their planet.  In science we have been learning about measurement and I decided to incorporate our learning about the planets and measurement together.  I found a great non-standard unit of measurement activity from Mrs. Will's Kindergarten.  We used her fun poems in shared reading about the solar system too!

Last Monday was Earth day and we celebrated the WHOLE week!!  On Monday we read Dr. Suess' The Lorax....a must read for everyone!  If you don't have the book...check out the ebook below

We then completed the Earth Day Lorax Craftivity from The kids really enjoyed it and they turned out fabulous.

Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.
IT's NOT!  "The Lorax" by Dr. Suess
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