Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Classroom Reveal

I cannot even believe that it is that time of the year again.  Teachers worked so diligently to get their classrooms ready for their new bunch of kiddies.  I, along with all of my wonderful co-workers, have devoted countless hours to preparing our rooms and lessons for the 2014-2015 school year.  Each brand new year is so very exciting.  Much like your children that hopefully are excited about their back-to-school shopping, teachers get excited about decorating our rooms for the new school year.  We too get excited about all of the new supplies we pick up for our kiddies.  {My bank account certainly doesn’t get excited about this SmileIt’s like Christmas morning when I open up all of the orders I placed waaaay back in May {it doesn’t actually seem that long ago!}.  I carefully unwrap each item and find it a permanent home in my classroom.  I am so thrilled with how my room turned out this year.  I hope you all feel like my classroom is an extension of home.  It certainly has a homey feel/appeal to me.  We had a great turn out for open house, but for those of you who were unable to attend, let me share with you what our classroom looks like.

The school year has gotten off to a great start.  Thank you to everyone who has returned the open house documents.  If you haven’t had a chance to do that, please do so by the end of the week.  In addition, this week we will begin homework.  Please be on the lookout in the blue homework folder for an assignment sheet.  Complete any homework for the evening and return the form in the folder the following  day.  Homework will be posted on the blog under the homework tab. 

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