Saturday, October 18, 2014

Learning about Setting....

This week the students learned about setting.  We learned that setting is not just where the story takes place.  Setting is the place, time, and environment of the story.  Place means where the story is taking place.  Time means when the story takes place.  Environment means what the environment is like...for example what is it like outside.  Was it hot, cold, snowy, or rainy?  We started our lesson off my discussing each of these words and what they mean.  I gave them examples of places, times, and environments.  Then, I read the book The Napping House by Audrey Wood.  Together we created an anchor chart that listed the setting of the book.  Afterwards, they had the chance to try this on their on.  We did a cooperative learning activity called carousel.  The students rotated around the classroom to posters that displayed pictures from a variety of picture books.  Together as a group, they were asked to brainstorm the setting that each of these pictures showed.  We then came together as a class and discussed the answers that were written on each of the posters.  We also added anything else to the setting description that we thought needed to be added.  This was a great introduction to setting.  Next week, we will continue our study on setting.  Afterwards, we will begin our unit on characters

Thank you all for your understanding on the movie change for movie night.  Originally when we looked at the movie release dates, Maleficent was scheduled to come out this week.  We never checked the dates again and apparently the release date was pushed back to November 4th.  After checking with the PTO president on the movies that were already scheduled to be shown, we chose Mr. Peabody and Sherman.  We hope that movie night was still enjoyable for you and your family.  Thank you so much to everyone that came to movie night.  Also, thank you to all the parents that volunteered your time at the movie night.  We couldn't have done it without your help.  Also, a huge thank you to all the parents that donated money and items for raffles.  We appreciate all of the generosity shown to our grade level data team. 

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