Thursday, June 5, 2014

Photography 101

Photography 101....well not really.  But, I did get a new camera that I am so thrilled about.  I recently purchased the Canon Rebel T3i and needless to say I've been "shooting" up a storm.  I've always wanted a DSLR camera so I could capture the moments when they happen.  As my daughters have gotten older I've noticed that it has become increasingly more difficult to get good pictures of them, because they always close their eyes!!  We have taken countless family photos in front of the Christmas tree just to try and get the perfect shot...and we always fail miserably!  My youngest will smile in her sleep...that sweet baby smile...and I'd miss it because my camera took too long to take the photo.  I was frustrated beyond belief.  So, now that I have a new camera I'm so tickled pink that I've been doing nothing but taking photos and editing them on picmonkey.  I'm so excited to use this camera to capture more beautiful moments as they happen....for my family and for my school kids.  Here are some of the pictures I've taken and edited over the last two days.  I hope you enjoy them.   Tell me...what have you been up to this summer?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Lovin'...

It's 2 weeks into summer break and I have to say "I'm lovin' it!"  I thoroughly enjoy spending my summer breaks with my girls. (It's definitely a perk of my awesome job.) This year is quite different since my oldest is in Kindergarten summer school!!!  I can't even believe it!  Where did the time go???!!!!  I thought I'd make a quick post today so I could add some collage pictures of some of the great things we did this past school year.  It was my hope to get everyone the class DVD that I created with all the pictures of the year.  Who knew that after many hours into the project I'd find out that my burner on my computer bit the dust and I wouldn't have enough time to get it fixed and make DVDs for all my parents.  So instead, I showed the video to the class...and they loved it.  Now, for you I have created collages to share of some of our great moments in first grade.  Enjoy!!!

Here's a little birthday collage for my 5 year old....I can't even believe I can say I have a 5 year old!!! :)

I have slowly been going through old units that I have posted on TpT.  I have officially finished updating my weather unit.  It is posted on TpT now.  If you have purchased this, make sure you go back and re-download it.  I added quite a bit of new stuff.  Be on the lookout for more updated items in my little shop.