Tuesday, April 22, 2014


As I reflect on my six week maternity leave my mind is overwhelmed with the many blessings that have been bestowed upon my family and I. 

Karly Christine has been an enormous blessing to our little family.  My love for this little girl is indescribable.  It is amazing how ones’ heart continues to grow for each little baby that has been placed in our lives.  We are so incredibly blessed to be called mommy and daddy for a third time.  Each of my girls have their own little personalities and it is amazing to me how different they are all from one another.  I can definitely say that our little family is now complete.  Who knew that this little babe was the missing link?  (I didn’t feel like anything was missing from our family prior to her birth and now I couldn’t imagine our life without her.)

Thank you to everyone for the kind words and baby gifts.  Your thoughtfulness is truly amazing.  Last week was my first week back as Mrs. Hogan and everyone was so welcoming.  It was a great week back getting acclimated to the classroom once again.  Last week was also a short week due to Easter break, therefore there was no homework.  This week however, homework was sent home.  You can also check our homework page if you have lost your schedule for the week.  New homework books were also sent home today.  I hope you all had a blessed Easter break (for those of you who celebrate.)  I had a wonderful time spending time with family and as always I feel like it wasn’t enough time!!!!  I always have so many things planned for these breaks we get, but rarely do I ever have the chance to actually sit down and complete the multitude of tasks I want to complete.  {I’ll try to post some pictures of my Easter chicks soon.  Smile }

We have a short 21 days left of school after today.  Where did the school year go??!!!  These last days we will be busy reviewing all of our reading standards.  In addition, we will be finishing up our math, writing, and science, and social studies units.  We’ll be busy little bees….buzzing right along until the last day of school.  The last week of school we are planning a 3-day countdown.  During this week we are planning a visit to our local public library, a read-in day, and field day.  Field day shirts that were ordered while I was on maternity leave were sent home today.  All change (if needed) was stapled to your order.  Field day shirts will be worn on the last day of school, Wednesday, May 21st. 

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