Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Lovin'...

It's 2 weeks into summer break and I have to say "I'm lovin' it!"  I thoroughly enjoy spending my summer breaks with my girls. (It's definitely a perk of my awesome job.) This year is quite different since my oldest is in Kindergarten summer school!!!  I can't even believe it!  Where did the time go???!!!!  I thought I'd make a quick post today so I could add some collage pictures of some of the great things we did this past school year.  It was my hope to get everyone the class DVD that I created with all the pictures of the year.  Who knew that after many hours into the project I'd find out that my burner on my computer bit the dust and I wouldn't have enough time to get it fixed and make DVDs for all my parents.  So instead, I showed the video to the class...and they loved it.  Now, for you I have created collages to share of some of our great moments in first grade.  Enjoy!!!

Here's a little birthday collage for my 5 year old....I can't even believe I can say I have a 5 year old!!! :)

I have slowly been going through old units that I have posted on TpT.  I have officially finished updating my weather unit.  It is posted on TpT now.  If you have purchased this, make sure you go back and re-download it.  I added quite a bit of new stuff.  Be on the lookout for more updated items in my little shop.

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