Sunday, September 11, 2016

Flexible Seating

As noted in my parent handbook, my classroom is beginning its journey into a flexible seating classroom.  Flexible seating is perfect for student-centered classrooms where the students are responsible for making their own choices.  Studies show that when students are given choices, they take ownership over their own learning, are more independent, and productivity increases.  All very great reasons to give flexible seating a try.  Students all begin the day at a start spot.  Once class begins and the students are working, they are given free choice to choose their own good fit seat.  We talked extensively at the beginning of the year what a good fit seat looks like.  Students that are sitting at a good fit seat, use the seat appropriately and work the whole time.  We also discussed that if you are having difficulty focusing at a spot, you have the right to find a new spot where you can do your best work.  In addition, any teacher has the right to move a student if they are not making good choices in the seat or completing their work.  So far this year, the kids have free choice during reading and math.  This week, we are going to add in free choice during writing as well.  They have been doing a great job with all the seating options and I am so happy that I invested in many of these options for my little ones.  I went in this weekend to take a picture of each seating option so I could share them with you.  Below you will see all the amazing options we have in our classroom for places to sit and work.  I hope your kids have been loving the choices they have in the classroom!

Beach Chairs

Rocking Chair



Yoga Balls


Soft Seat

Scoop Rockers


Bean Bags

Traditional Desk and Chair


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