Monday, September 26, 2016

~Upcoming Field Trip~

This coming Monday, October 3rd will mark our first grade field trip to The Peach Tree Farm.  As a reminder we will leave school at approximately 8:30 a.m. so that we can arrive at The Peach Tree Farm by 9:40 a.m.  If you are a parent volunteer that is chaperoning this field trip, please arrive at the school by 8:00 a.m. so that I can go over the rules and give you a list of children that will be in your group once we arrive at the farm.  Please remember that because of the large group of children we have this year, no parents/guardians will be able to ride the school bus with us to The Peach Tree Farm.  You must drive yourself to the farm at meet us there.  Directions to the farm are listed at the end of this post.  Once we arrive at the farm your child will go through six different stations:  We will read books inside the tepee; go through the straw maze; go on a hayride; visit the bunnies at bunnyville, feed the goats throughout the property, and go into the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins (parents you get a pumpkin too!).  We will eat lunch on the picnic tables at The Peach Tree Farm before loading the buses at 12:45 to leave.  We should arrive back at school at approximately 2:00 pm.  Please remember that if you are wanting to leave with your child after the field trip, you will have to sign your child out.  You can find me after lunch to do so if you need too.  Below are a few pictures from The Peach Tree Farm from previous visits there.  It is a beautiful place and the kids always really enjoy it.  Please check the weather for the day and dress your child appropriately.  Also, tennis shoes must be worn on the day of the trip.  I will send a reminder letter home later this week about field trip so please be on the lookout for it! :)

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