Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting Acquainted in First Grade

"Oh, The Places We Will Go!"
The first graders spent the past week getting to know their new first grade teacher and classmates.  In addition, we discussed the rules of the classroom, lunchroom, and recess.  I hope your child enjoyed the first two days as much as I did.  I am so excited about this school year and the amazing learning opportunites your child will be involved in throughout the year.

Please be sure to check our classroom blog frequently for class updates.  I will post our weekly homework under the homework tab. Homework will begin this week. There will be no homework on Fridays. You can also check your child's home folder on Monday nights for the weekly homework schedule. In addition, I will add pictures of our class, learning activities, and school events under the pictures tab.  You can also check the calendar tab for important dates throughout the school year.

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