Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Reminders

There will be NO HOMEWORK the week of Thanksgiving Break 11/21/11.  In addition, Friday folders will not go home on the week of 11/21 since it is only a 2 day week.  Additionally, there will be no student of the week on the week of 11/21.

The first grade annual Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Tuesday,  November 21, 2011.  If you volunteered to bring in an item and haven't done so, please bring the item to school by Monday, November 20th.  In addition, if you volunteered to help set up, serve, and clean up afterwards please arrive at school approximately at 10:30 a.m.  An extra special thank you to those of you who volunteered to bring in items for the feast or have volunteered your time the day of the feast.  Our annual feast could not take place without your kind generosity.

There will be NO SCHOOL on November 23-25th for Thanksgiving Break. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!  I am thankful for so many reasons.  One thing I am thankful for is my job as a first grade teacher.  I thank each and everyone of you for entrusting your children to me during the week.  It is such a blessing to teach young minds and prepare them for their subsequent years of schooling and for life. I truely love my job and couldn't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.  I am also thankful for my family and my health.  May you have a wonderful blessed holiday break.

The last day to turn in November Book It Logs is Wednesday, November 30th.

FYI:  Mrs. Kristy Gaitlin will be the students' long-term substitute teacher while I'm on maternity leave.  I ask that you be patient with her as she learns the procedures and routines of our classroom.

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