Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cloud 9

Last week the students were on CLOUD 9! We did so many fun cloud activities for our science unit on weather.  We also integrated our cloud theme in writing and spelling.  On Tuesday we practiced writing our spelling words in the clouds (shaving cream).  This activity totally reminded me of my days as a preschool teacher.  The students had so much fun!  One of our read alouds this past week was It Looked Like Spilt Milk.  After reading the book, we completed a writing activity that I got from The First Grade Parade. We made these awesome cloud shapes (probably the coolest thing ever!) and wrote about them.  SUCH FUN!  I love weather and all of these fun activities really get the students excited about their learning too.  Next week, we are going to continue to discuss the four seasons and we will complete a writing activity about Spring.  Below are some of the pictures of the cloud fun we had this past week..
One of the students writing the spelling words in the clouds.

Sometimes it looked like a shapes

Sometimes it looked like a snake.....

I hope you all have a fabulous week!  It will be a short one for us.  Only four days of school this week.  After Easter weekend it will be a long haul with no breaks/days off for the remainder of the year.  Can you even believe it is already APRIL????!!!!  Me either!!

Mrs. Hogan

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