Friday, April 12, 2013

Gearing Up for Testing and a FREEBIE!

What a fun and exciting week it was at CES.  It was spirit week and I had good intentions to take pictures of my little ones this week and their fun costumes....but time certainly got away from me.  :(  Our students have been gearing up to take the MAP and Terra Nova tests.  We had an awesome assembly today!

Terra Nova testing begins on April 29th.  Our first graders will be testing on April 29th-May 2nd.  Students will be assessed during the test on attendance, neatness, putting forth their best effort, and displaying a positive attitude.  If students earn a 90% on these skills during testing week, they will get to attend the testing party which will be held on May 9th.  I want all of my little gems to go to this party, therefore it is important for you discuss the importance of these skills during the test.  In the coming weeks, we will prepare for the Terra Nova and discuss these skills in detail.  In addition, during testing week the students will have snack time.  If you are willing to donate a snack/drink item for testing week, please bring the item in by Thursday, April 25th.

I know the pictures aren't the best...but it is all I have for now.  Mrs. Morrow's RTI class has been researching MO animals.  They presented their findings to all the RTI classes.  Here are a few pictures of their presentations.

Logen presenting

Kade presenting

Piper presenting







Before Easter I began working on new Easter themed lit stations for my team.  I finished them just in time for my team and I to use them and they worked out perfectly.  I finally got around to getting them posted on TpT.  Take a look and hopefully you will be able to use them for next year.  Click on the picture and it will take you to my little shop.

I also recently posted a small noun activity to my store.  You can have it for FREE by clicking on the picture below.

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