Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What's Happening??!!

I have to apologize for my less than frequent posts.  I normally try to get a post up weekly.  I will most definitely be trying to get back into the routine of posting weekly ASAP!!  As a quick reminder, I will use this blog as an informational guide to our classroom, posting pictures, activities, and information on a weekly basis.  In addition, the homework assigned each week is added to the blog weekly.  I post the homework as a way for parents to see what has been assigned in case the homework schedule has been lost.

The previous weeks in the classroom I have done a lot of assessments in all academic areas.  You might be wondering why so many tests?  These tests give me a baseline for your child.  They let me know what academic skills/information your child retained from Kindergarten and also gives me a guide for my instruction.  All instruction in my class is meaningful for your child.  This means that I teach lessons based on what your child needs in the classroom at that specific time.  Your child plays an active role in the assessment process.  Each child in my class has a Data Binder in their desk.  They track their results of their assessments and create goals based on their data.  Currently, the data your child has tracked has been the following:  Reading Stamina, Letter Naming Fluency, Letter Sound Fluency, Sight Word Fluency.  This week, the students will add their Developmental Reading Assessment Level to their data binders.  Reading Stamina is just that....how long can your child read to themselves.  The Developmental Reading Assessment is a reading assessment that your child will take three times during the school year.  This tests provides the teacher with the independent reading level of your child.  This helps me match texts to your child so that they are reading "good fit books."

The students are learning about the writing process in writer's workshop.  Our current unit focuses on writing narratives.  Below you will see an anchor chart made with the class that explains the steps we are currently using to write a narrative piece.  As this unit progresses, I will introduce editing and revising.  I will also post later with more specific information regarding our writer's workshop. 

These are our writing toolboxes.  Each toolbox contains pens, date stamps, and spacemen for writing. The baskets contain the students' writing folders and there is an area where the students' can choose their writing paper.

This is our class anchor chart on "How to Write a Narrative Story."

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