Sunday, December 8, 2013

Upcoming Polar Express Day...and More

The students have officially published their first piece of writing.  They chose their best piece and worked on editing and revising it on their own and with a partner.  Then, they rewrote their final copy.  We binded their work so it would look official.  Afterwards, the students shared their work with the class.  We then voted on the class Caldecott Award for best pictures.
In reading we have also been working on reading nonfiction.  The students have learned how to notice when they are learning something new.  In addition, they have also learned how to record any I Wonders or Questions they have while reading.
On a side note we celebrated my little Elly Sue's 2nd birthday this weekend.  Here are a few pictures of my angel at her party.
We have a lot of things planned this week, including our annual Polar Express Day.  It is the most wonderful time of the year and I love teaching with the book The Polar Express by Christ Van Allsburg.
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The students will have the choice to participate in the reading of The Polar Express or Tacky the Penguin.  Students will study the book of their choice this week and will work on various reading literature standards with the text of their choosing.

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