Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer update and B2S SALE!!!

I can hardly believe it is that time of the year again.  This year will be much different as my oldest daughter is starting kindergarten!!!  How can this be?  I am pretty sure she was just 2 years old yesterday!!!!!  Time sure does fly by.  She is extremely excited to be starting school and I'm just a little sad that she is big enough and is ready to go.  Can't she be my little baby girl a little while longer???!!!  I know she is going to have a fabulous year.  We are going to have a fabulous year in first grade too.  If you haven't checked the class lists, they are now posted outside the multipurpose room door.  

I hope you all have had a wonderful summer.  I definitely enjoyed my summer.  I know was quite absent from posting most of the summer.  Life with three little munchkins is extremely busy.  So, let me me show you a little of what we've been up to...{bare with me I got a new camera and I'm in LOVE}

We played t-ball...daddy was our awesome coach.

My oldest playing t-ball.

Posing for a pic with Coach Daddy.

We went swimming....A LOT.   My oldest went from starting out the summer in floaties to being able to swim in the deep end with nothing supporting her.  She went through a total of three swim classes.  She is definitely my little fish.  She loves the water and is very good at swimming.  I'm so proud of all of her progress.  Our community is very blessed to have some great swim coaches as well.  They really helped shape her into the swimmer she has become.  I am forever grateful for them teaching her this life skill.  My two year old had mommy and me swim lessons, however I was in the water with her so I don't have any pictures to share of that fun! :(

Breathing during the freestyle.

We played... A LOT.  We played at the park, we played at home, we played inside, we played outside.  We rode bikes, scooters, and drove our cars.  We played with chalk, blew bubbles, and played ball.  We learned new board games and card games. We had so much fun.

Merry-go-round fun.

We Celebrated...We celebrated my grandma's (paternal) 75th birthday.  We also celebrated Independence Day, some birthdays, and a special wedding.

Happy 4th of July.

We Learned...My oldest went to summer school to "learn the ropes."  She loved it!  She got to learn who her teacher for the school year was going to be and she got a little taste of what school is like.  We also visited the nature center, zoo, and a farm and learned while having fun.

At the nature center.

We relaxed and rested...Most importantly our summer was fun and relaxing.  We didn't go on any extravagant vacations.  But, we had family time and that is what's most important.  The girls enjoyed their time home with me and I enjoyed my time too.  I always look forward to my relaxing summer vacations with my kiddies.  It is a definite perk of my job.  

Now, I can look forward to meeting a new group of firsties and the first year of Kindergarten for one of the most special girls in the whole world.  I'm so glad I get to be there to hold her hand through it all (even though I'm sure she'll tell me she can do it on her own.)

In honor of the beginning of the school year.  My little shop on TpT will be on sale on August 4th and 5th.  You can save up to 28%.  So click on the picture and go check it out.

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