Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Program and Polar Express Day

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas.  I have been thoroughly enjoying my precious time with my family.  Now that all of our gatherings have come to an end, I am slowly getting things put back in order.  I still have my trees up though.  I typically wait until after January 6th (the Epiphany) to take down all my Christmas items.  I also love to enjoy my holiday break and taking down all of my Christmas decorations well... isn't something I look forward to spending my day doing.

Since I have spent so much of my time preparing for Christmas and all of the family gatherings I haven't put the pictures up that I promised I would add of all of our December activities.  So I am doing it now!  :)  You will find pictures of our wonderful music program.  The program was fantastic.  The kids worked so hard and Mrs. Friedrich did such an amazing job (again!!!) with the kids.  You will also find pictures of our Polar Express Day.  The students really enjoyed their day.  Please enjoy the pictures.  Happy New Year to you all!!!  May 2015 be a year of blessings for your family!

Monday, December 15, 2014

December Update

I apologize for my delay in posting this month.  As I've mentioned before, I typically post during the weekends and my previous weekends have been filled with family birthdays and lots of traveling...which has left me utterly behind in my work.  Last weekend, we celebrated my daughters 3rd birthday!  Really??!!!....I can't even believe that I can say she is 3 now.  Where has the time gone!!  I'm sure you all feel the same about your precious first graders.  So our last week before winter break is already here.  I can't believe that either!  This year seems to be flying by.  It is true that once your child gets into school your life will fly before your eyes!!!  It seems to be happening to me!  S-L-O-W down time!!!!!  Maybe this winter break will go at a slower pace so we can all enjoy the time with our families.

Here is a quick update of what our week is shaping up to look like.  I apologize for the drab no picture posts...but I promise you after our music program I will load you up with all the prettiest little pictures!! :)

*There will be no homework this week.  If your child has a line for the music program, please have him/her practice it nightly.  Also, don't forget to continue to read for December Book It.  Those will be due when we return on January 5th.

*Wednesday and Thursday your child will travel by bus out to the performing arts center at the high school.  Wednesday the students will be at the high school from 8-11:30 practicing for our music program.  Thursday will be our dress rehearsal.  Please allow your child to bring their costumes to change into for the play.  We will be at the high school from 8-9:30 on Thursday.  

*Thursday night is our music program.  Your child will need to come dressed and ready for the music program at 6:30 p.m. in the high school band room.  There will be signs directing you where to go.  The performance will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the high school performing arts center.  After the program, you can pick your child up in the band room.

*Friday is our annual Polar Express Day.  Your child may come to school wearing their pajamas.  They may also bring a pillow and a blanket.  I've expressed to the students that I would like them to bring something small enough that they are able to carry.  In addition, please do not wear any slippers.  The students will still have recess and they will need to be able to go out with tennis shoes.  Friday will also be our class winter party at 2:00 p.m.  If you would like to bring a snack/drink item, please do so by today.  Remember all snacks brought to the party must be store bought.

I promise to be back sometime this week with pictures from our program.  I am so excited.  I hope you are too!!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Upcoming December Events

I am so sorry for the delayed post.  It seems I am saying that a lot these days.  We have a lot of family birthdays this time of the year, so I am typically very busy.  I am sure you have also noticed that my posts are rarely added to the blog during school hours.  I usually write the updates and add photographs when my sweet little ones are sleeping (when I'm at home on the weekend).  This weekend we celebrated my sweet nephew's third birthday.  We also celebrated our own daughters third birthday.  Her official party isn't until next weekend, but you can imagine that we wanted to make this weekend and today especially fun for her.  Thank you for being patient and awaiting our classroom update.  As a matter of fact, most of this past weeks updates were mentioned in the monthly newsletter that I sent home last Friday.  But... in case you misplaced it or need an easier place to locate all of these upcoming dates/events I will let you know about them again on here.

We will be collecting canned food for the Fill a Ford program.  Please have all canned food items in by December 17th.

December 8th:  This is the first collection date for the Major Savor Cards.

December 12th:  Kindergarten is hosting PTO Movie Night.  The doors will open at 6:30 pm and the movie will begin promptly at 7:00 pm.  There will be several items up for raffle.  In addition, Santa will be there to take pictures with your little ones.  They will be How To Train Your Dragon 2.

December 17th:  Today is the day that we will collect all the canned foods for the Fill a Ford canned food drive.  Be sure to have all canned food items in by this date.  In addition, today will also be the day that our first graders will travel to the high school performing arts center to rehearse our music program.

December 18th:  We will travel to the high school performing arts center again today for our dress rehearsal.  Tonight will be our program.  Please meet your teachers in the high school band room by 6:30 pm.  There will be signs directing you where to go once you get to the performing arts center.

December 19th:  Today will be our annual Polar Express Day.  We will enjoy watching the movie and drinking hot chocolate.  Your child may wear their pajamas (NO SLIPPERS PLEASE).  In addition, they may bring pillows and a blanket or sleeping bag for the movie.  Today is also our last day of school before winter break.  Second quarter grade cards will also go home today.  Please check your child's folder.