Sunday, May 10, 2015

Last Full Week of School

I know I keep saying it and I'm gonna say it this year flew by so quickly!  Last week we began our 10 Day Countdown and we also began our unit on writing reviews a.k.a. opinion writing.  The students were ever so excited to get out their collections.  The students were asked to bring in a shoebox collection...something they collect at home and have a lot of.  Examples included, Lego's, Barbies, hairbows, necklaces, baseball cards, etc.  The students were to bring in at least 4 but no more than 5 pieces of their collections.  On Thursday, we learned how to judge the pieces in our collection fairly by 1. lining the collection up in a row  2. Comparing the same thing about each piece (hair, fur, face, etc.) 3. Choosing our favorite by saying "I like ____the best BECAUSE..."  Now, the students will learn how to defend their choices for which piece they like best.  In addition, they will begin writing about their 2nd favorite, 3rd favorite, and so on.  We will even get a chance to write about a friend's collection.  This is such a fun way to end our writing in first grade.

Her BEST in Show...

Judging her collection

Judging her collection

Judging his collection

Choosing his BEST in show.

His BEST in show.
We also began our ten day countdown.  We started with a trip out to the high school to watch the California Kids Talent Show.  It was a fabulous way to begin our countdown to summer and to becoming a 2nd grader.  Mrs. Friedrich is absolutely amazing and the kids did such a wonderful job.  We also enjoyed Popsicles and bubble day.  The kids had a blast.  This week don't forget to bring a snack for our friendship snack for Monday.  On Tuesday we will enjoy spending the day with our favorite stuffed animal.  Wednesday is reading day...we have some great guest readers coming for the day.  Thursday is our walk to Sonic and Friday is our walk to Wood Place Library.  It's going to be a great week.

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