Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Great Beginning to a Great Year

First of all I'd like to say "welcome to our class blog!" We had an amazing first two days of school.  I can already tell this is going to be the sweetest little class.  The first two days we spent the majority of our class time learning the rules and many different procedures that will help our classroom run smoothly.  Thank you to everyone who brought in extra supplies or donated items from our wishlist.  Everything you do for your child is greatly appreciated!  Most of the time this blog post will be filled with pictures of our class and the activities the students have been working on.  I only post pictures of student work and the students in my class that I have permission to post.  During open house I sent home a release form for this purpose.  If you would like to see pictures of your child on this blog or our class Facebook page, you must return the release form.  I am currently going through all of the documents that were returned this week.  Once I have these release forms... get ready for picture overload!  :)  As I mentioned in my getting to know the teacher letter I love photography.  It is another passion of mine.  I love being able to show (not only tell) you what we are working on in class!  The students love being photographed too.  At the end of the year, I use these photos to create a DVD slideshow with music of our year together.  Those go home to you as well!  So if I do not have permission to photograph your child, he/she may not be on our end of the year slideshow.

I will send home a small newsletter on Fridays.  The blog will go into much more detail of the events and activities in our classroom.  I include QR codes in my newsletter that will take you directly to our class blog.  In addition, I post links to our new blog posts on our classroom Facebook page.  Our page can also be found on our district webpage.  In doing this, I hope this makes our blog easily accessible to you.

As mentioned in the classroom newsletter that went home yesterday, I do allow children to bring water bottles to school.  I ask that these easily close.  In addition, I ask that you fill them up prior to your child coming to school.  It is also nice to have the water bottles that do not sweat.  This will ensure that our desks and student work do not get wet.

I'll leave you with my first day of school picture with my very own first grader.  Next week, after I receive all of our release forms I hope to add some pictures of our class work and the students.   I hope you all have a blessed weekend.  I look forward to another amazing week next week!
Mrs. Hogan and her first grader daughter, Lily, on the first day of the 2015-2016 school year.

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