Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy 2016

I am so sorry for the delayed post.  All three of my children got the flu last week.  I missed one day of work and then it seemed that once I returned each of my other children got what their older sibling had.  So after a week of the flu, I am hoping my family is on the mend and ready for a happy, healthy, 2016.

I can't even believe that this school year is half way over.  It is hard to believe that my little first graders are nearing second grade.  This week, I wanted to add pictures from our Grinch day.  We held Grinch day on the last day before break.  Many of you have probably seen these pictures as I added them to our class Facebook page that week.  However, for those of you that don't have Facebook I wanted you to be able to see the fun we had before our winter break.  Here is a look at Grinch Day.
As you can see we had a lot of fun!  We read the book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Suess.  We discussed story elements,  We also made our own Grinch and wrote about a time when we felt "grinchy."  We ended the day with our class party, a grinch drink (7 up and lime sherbet), and the movie.  A big thank you goes out to all the parents that donated items for our class party.  The kids really had a blast.

I hope you all had a wonderful break.  The kids and I have come back ready to learn.  We have a lot to accomplish in the next two quarters to prepare ourselves for second grade, but we are up to the challenge and ready to finish the year off with a bang!!!  Happy New Year to your family. 

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