Monday, February 8, 2016

Me and My Special Guy Dance

I hope everyone had the opportunity to attend the Me and My Special Guy dance that was held this Saturday in the elementary gym.  The dance is sponsored by our elementary PTO.  The admission cost was $5 per couple.  Couples were given free refreshments that were provided by the staff and PTO members.  There were several raffles available as well.  All couples could take a picture for $2, buy flowers for their special someone for $1, and dance the night away.  If you attended the dance and took pictures, the pictures will be passed out to your child at school once they have been developed.  The dance was a huge success.  Here are a few photos of my daughter and her special guy and a few photos from PTO at the dance.

We will celebrate Valentine's day on Friday, February 12th.  Your child is invited to make a Valentine box or bag at home to bring in on Friday.  If you signed up to bring treats for the party, I will let you know what to bring on Tuesday, February 9th.  Your child should make a Valentine for every child in his/her class.  The party will consist of the students passing out their Valentine's and eating our treats.  We may watch a short movie as well. Our party will start at 2:00 on Friday.

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