Friday, April 8, 2016

What's Up with Matter?

We finished our science unit on matter by completing lots of fun experiments.   This is the perfect unit to bring in some experiments and provide the students with a hands on inquiry approach to learning.  We learned that matter is anything that takes up space.  We also learned that there are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.  Once we came back from spring break, I wanted to review what we had learned about matter in a fun way.  I blew up a regular balloon, put water in one balloon, and then put water in a balloon and froze it.  I brought these balloons with me and pulled them out of my bag during science class.  

 We also read Dr. Suess' Bartholomew and the Oobleck.  Afterwards, we made the oobleck from the book and discussed which type of matter it was:  liquid, solid, or gas.  We came to the conclusion that oobleck is a solid when it is being moved/rolled and it is a liquid when it is sitting still.  The students ~loved~ this experiment!  We got plenty messy and had a ton of fun.  It was totally worth the huge mess it left behind in my classroom.  Each child got to take a little bit of the oobleck home (I hope they asked an adult before they let it out of the bag).

Another matter experiment was an "oldie but a goodie!!!  MENTOS and DIET COKE!!!!  Well, I'm sure you know the result there!  The kids had a blast and thought it was the coolest experiment yet. Before we conducted the experiment the students used the graphic organizer I created to record their observations.  I didn't have time to "fancy" it up as we say...but it worked out great and they did a wonderful job of recording their observations like "real" scientists do.'

Our last experiment was such a simple, yet fun way to review the different states of matter. On Monday, we conducted the Root Beer Float Experiment.  The students were given root beer and ice cream.  They discovered the fizzing bubbles (gas) and were in amazement to see what could happen when you combine a solid and a liquid together.  We discussed which items in the float was a solid, liquid, and gas.  Some of the students learned that they really did like root beer floats and they enjoyed a nice little treat that afternoon after we talked about the experiment.  I love days like these.  The root beer float experiment was a cute little packet from Class of Kinders.  You can visit her store by clicking on the picture below.
 Class of Kinders "What is the Matter?"

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