Friday, May 20, 2016

Sweet ~ Sweet ~ Memories

Here it is...the end of the year...ALREADY!  How did it go so quickly?  Your little ones that started the year out with me are now ready for 2nd grade!  Can you believe it?  They made so much growth and I am so proud of each and every student.  I had some amazing parents...THANK YOU...and some very wonderful little kiddies that will forever be "my kids."  This year's students are very unique because my own little girl is in this Class of 2027!  Before you know it we'll be sitting in the gymnasium watching this amazing group of students walk across that stage and get their diplomas! It seems like it is so very far away, but I know deep down it isn't.  Time flies by so quickly!  The following video is one I created to show the class at the end of the year.  I typically burn them onto DVDs for my parents, but this year I had difficulties using my DVD burner.  So after hours upon hours of creating the video and then trying to burn the videos...I gave up and decided I'd find another way to get it to you all.  I love doing these videos because it captures your little ones throughout the entire year.  You can see how much they've grown throughout the school year and get the wonderful sweet memories of some of the amazing things that went on in our classroom.  I hope you cherish this video just as much as I do.  

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