Saturday, May 26, 2012

First and Second Grade Literature Closet

Anyone that has seen the literature closet will appreciate the hard work several ladies put into the initial phase of getting it organized. Please see the "after" pictures below (sorry no "before" pictures). Thank you ladies for helping me in this endeavor and for all your hard work and dedication. Without your help we wouldn't have gotten nearly as much done. I know we still have a lot of work left to do, but it looks amazing!  Thank you Charlene Billings, Jennifer Dampf, Amy Higgins, Ann Fletcher, Teresa Dusenberg, and Pam Brauner for all your hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moving onto Second Grade and more...

Well, the last day of school has come and gone.  This years kids are now moving onto second grade.  This year was quite memorable for me as I had my second daughter in December.  We began using balanced literacy as our curriculum for reading.  This was the first year we had protected literacy and math times.  This means that teachers were not allowed to pull students out of the general classroom for instruction in their room.  We also began implementing RTI otherwise known as response to intervention this year.  So many new things were implemented in the five years that Mrs. Steffes has been principal at our building.  Next year, we will have a new principal.  Mr. Williams will be returning to our building.  In addition, we will have a new addition to our first grade team.  I am saddened but excited at the same time...Mrs. Dampf will be moving to teach second grade.  We are sad to see her leave our team but are excited about her new adventure in second grade.  We will be welcoming newcomer Mrs. Morrow to our team next year.  She will begin her first year as a teacher in our building and she is enthusiastically awaiting the start of the 2012-2013 school year.

With this school year coming to a close I would like to share some of the last few pictures I took of our class.  The following pictures are from our awards ceremony on the last day of school.  Madelyn won the citizenship award for PE, Kamryn won perfect speller, Trinity won most improved DIBELs score, Kaden and Alayna won our class citizenship award.  Congratulations to these students!!!!  I will miss this group of students.  They were a wonderful group.  I know they will be very successful in second grade.  I hope that they will not forget this memorable year and that they stop by to say "hello" once in a while.  Enjoy your summer!  I'll be continuing to make posts throughout the summer.  I plan to share my summer fun as well as some summer activities that you and your child can do throughout the many weeks of summer.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Countdown to the last day of school...

As you know, our first graders have been involved in a 10 day countdown.  Many of the kids are ready for their summer vacations and all the fun in the sun they will have.  Some kids are counting down to the first day of summer school.  I'm counting down to the days I get to spend with my two very precious daughters.  Summer vacation just happens to be one of the MANY PERKS of my job that I LOVE!  This summer we have lots of exciting things planned.  I know we will spend many a day enjoying the weather outside.  We will spend many of our afternoons at the swimming pool where  my oldest daughter will splash around like the mermaid she pretends she is. 

 I plan on getting my oldest daughter involved in the Summer Reading Club at the The Wood Place Public Library.  We visited the public library on Friday where they visited with us about their summer reading program.  Anyone signed up can get at FREE library card and if you live inside the city limits your whole family can get a FREE library card.  This is an awesome program and I can't wait to get my daughter signed up.  Don't forget to sign your child up on MAY 24TH.  Involving your child in the summer reading program at the library is a great way to ensure that they will continue to read during their long summer vacations.  As we say in our fabulous first grade classroom "Why do we read to self or read to someone or listen to reading???.......TO BECOME A BETTER READER!

Check out the pictures below to see some of the fun your child has been involved in this month.

Rainforest Visit at the Middle School
More of our rainforest trip to Mrs. Bishop's 6th Grade Classroom

We EARNED a class party.  The students ate lunch in the courtyard.
Teacher's Appreciation Week...Thank you for the many gifts I received and thoughtful notes.  I LOVE my job!  You all are too kind....again MANY THANKS!

We read 100 books!!  The book party that Mrs. Steffes planned for our students.

Monday, May 7, 2012


I can’t believe it is time to start counting down to the last day of school.  My students have been fabulous firsties.  We are going to celebrate our year with a 10-day countdown to the last day of school.  Each day in our 10-day countdown will have a specific theme and students will be involved in activities built around these themes.  Here is a tentative schedule for our 10-day countdown.  Days and events are subject to change.
5/8:  California Kids Talent Show (students need permission to attend)
5/9:  Friendship Day (bring a snack for our friendship snack mix)
5/10:  MAP/Terra-Nova testing party (students can bring blankets and pillows)
5/11:  Reading Day (students need permission to go to Wood Place Public Library)
                       (Students can bring pillows and blankets)
5/14:  100 Book Challenge Party Day
5/15:  Ice Cream Day (Students need permission to walk to Sonic. 
                           They also need$1.)
5/16:  Bubble Day (bring a small bottle of bubbles)
5/17:  Fun Day (students can bring money for the consession stands)
5/18:  Park Day (students need permission to walk to the park)
5/21:  Last Day (do not bring any book bags or jackets this day)
Please ensure that your child has permission to attend all events away from the elementary school.  If the permission slips are not returned, your child will not be allowed to attend the events.