Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Reading....Have you signed up yet?

Last week, I took my oldest daughter up to the public library to sign her up for their annual summer reading program.  She was so excited to get her OWN library card.  We were able to check out books that day!  She receives tickets for every books she reads this summer, for checking out books at the library, and for going to the library programs.  At the end of the summer, she'll be able to redeem those tickets for prizes.  She enjoyed story time this week, which included the local librarian Connie Walker reading "Cats Night Out."  We then checked out more books and received our tickets for the week.  My daughter has been so excited about the library and reading this summer and she's only just turned 3!  I hope you take advantage of this great summer program that our library has to offer.  Its not too late.  Sign up today!
 Photo detail

 Wood Place Public Library, California, Director Connie Walker helps Lily Hogan register for the "Dream Big" Summer Reading Club for ages 2 through fourth grade.

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