Monday, September 17, 2012

Paws for Reading Pledge Cards


Thank you to all who have pledged to read for at least 20 minutes each day for our Paws for Reading program.  We have had one book donated thus far.  If you have pledged to read, return your pledge card to your child's teacher and we will post it outside our classroom.  In addition, for every book your child donates through reading 20 minutes at home he/she will get to add a paw to our Paws for Reading bulletin board outside of our classroom.  Let's see how many books the California Elementary first graders can donate to families in need.

FYI:  If you would like participate in this program, but do not have a way of logging minutes into the Scholastic Paws for Reading website, please send your logs to school with your child on Friday and I will log their minutes for them and then return their log sheet in their Friday folder so that you can continue reading over the weekend.  Once your log is filled up, return it to school and I will send a NEW LOG home with your child.

Take a look at how many books we have donated so far.  Let's add some more paws up to our board!!!

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