Monday, December 17, 2012

Santa and the Star Search...and Upcoming Events

Wow!!  What a great program our little first graders put on last Thursday night at the Performing Arts Center.  I am so proud of all of our first grade elves, stars, and the star search choir.  A big shout out to our Santa and Mrs. Claus as well!  You all are fabulous!  It was such fun watching these kids perform in front of their parents and relatives.  We definitely have some future performers in this talented group of students.  Mrs. Friedrich did an awesome job as always.  Every year I am in awe at how she is able to take a large group of students and put on such a wonderful program filled with soloists, speaking lines, actions, and of course a singing first grade choir.  I love how not one or two but everyone plays a special role in the programs she directs at CES!  

This week will be a busy, yet fun way to end our first semester in first grade.  Don't forget that on Tuesday we are going to visit the food pantry and drop off our donations.  Currently, our class has yet to bring in any donations to the Moniteau County food bank.  If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, then please send your non-parishable items to your child's classroom by Tuesday, December 18th.  If we do not have any donations, then our class will not make the trip with the other first grade classes.  

Our annual first grade Polar Express Day will be held on Thursday, December 20th. Your child may come dressed in their comfy, but appropriate, pajamas to celebrate this fabulous book written and illustrated by the famous Chris Van Allsburg.  Our literacy and math stations this week will all be Polar Express themed.  

Our class holiday party will be held on Friday, December 21st.  We will be building our gingerbread houses during our party.  In addition, we will share any treats/drinks that are brought in for the party.  If you would like to bring a snack or drink item for our class party, please send those in by Friday, December 21st.

Thank you to all who made donations for our gingerbread houses.  I appreciate all that you do for your child and for our classroom.  This is the time of the year that I think about all the blessings in my life.  I definitely consider my job, students, and parents a blessing in my life.  I will now end this post with some pictures depicting our new work with words and math stations.  I also promised to share some of the big 1st birthday we had last here they are!  Enjoy!!!

My beautiful birthday girl!  My how fast a year flies by!

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