Friday, February 22, 2013

New Cafeteria Tables are Finally Here!

Check out our new cafeteria tables.  They were delivered on Wednesday, February 20th.   We are thrilled to have these new tables as they are replacing our old tables that I know were at the school when I attended there as a wee one.  They may have even been there when my parents attended!!! Winking smile Many of them were broken and in bad shape.  These tables were just what we needed!  Many thanks to all who helped in the purchasing of these tables.  Mr. Williams would like to thank Rick, Linda, Dave, Bo, Brian, Ron Harlan, and Ron Ash for all the help in installing the seats.  Also a huge thank you to Mr. Baker for helping to unload the seats when they arrived.  Parents we now have 6 tables near the windows in the cafeteria where you are welcome to come have lunch with your child for a special treat.  This will be much better than the cramped seating we previously had.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

ThUNdeR SnOW....A Snowy Day in Mid-MO!

Well it is quite clear by now that today was a snow day for our little kiddies here at CES.  The weather has been crazy with rain, sleet, snow, thunder and lightning all in the early morning hours!!  As I am writing this post my children are still in their comfy pj' am I...and the snow is still coming down quite heavy.  My oldest is looking forward to building Frosty once more and my  youngest is on her first nap of the day.  Oh how relaxing these unexpected snow days can be! 
Last week we celebrated  Valentine's Day in our classroom.  I've been meaning to get this post up, but the busy week kept me from doing did my sick girls at home.  We made 3 visits to the doctors in 1 week!!  We seem to be on the mend here is a peek at some of the fun things we did last week.
We used Cara Carroll’s candy heart activity for a fun math lesson on probability.  You can find her original post here along with the activity.  I bought conversation hearts and placed a handful in each mystery bag.  The students were asked to grab a candy heart out of the bag 15 times.  They had to predict which color they thought they would pick more of, draw 15 times, and then tally their results.  Afterwards they wrote their inferences on why they picked out the most of their color. 
We had a lot of creative and unique Valentine Boxes this year.  I’m sure Pinterest had nothing to do with it…right??!!!  Check out this adorable little box from one of my sweet kiddies.  Someone spent a lot of time on this box.  I hope she’s able to use again!  Winking smile
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Monday, February 4, 2013

eStoria Reading

 Here are some pictures of the students using our iPads to read stories on the Scholastic eStoria app.  This app can currently be found on your Apple products.  You can also download this program on any computer.  When downloading on your computer just go to the Scholastic website and click to download the app.

When ordering from our Scholastic book orders, you can also make purchases on your eStoria account for new books.  The kids love this app and it's a great learning tool.  This past month I used some of the bonus points we earned from our class book orders to buy new digital books for our eStoria account.  This coming Friday I will be sending out our Book Order form for the month of February.  I plan to do the same with our bonus points this month.  Every dollar amount you spend will go towards FREE books for our classroom.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your Scholastic orders.  You may not realize it, but you have helped provide our class with countless new books both in digital and paperback form.  On a side note, I'm so happy to announce that our class logged over 9,000 hours read and donated over 450 books by participating in the Paws for Reading program that ended in December of 2012.  Even though our Paws for Reading program is over, I hope that you are continuing to read nightly with your little one.  Whether your child is reading to you or you are reading to your child or both, I hope you set aside a little time each evening for a little reading fun.

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