Friday, February 22, 2013

New Cafeteria Tables are Finally Here!

Check out our new cafeteria tables.  They were delivered on Wednesday, February 20th.   We are thrilled to have these new tables as they are replacing our old tables that I know were at the school when I attended there as a wee one.  They may have even been there when my parents attended!!! Winking smile Many of them were broken and in bad shape.  These tables were just what we needed!  Many thanks to all who helped in the purchasing of these tables.  Mr. Williams would like to thank Rick, Linda, Dave, Bo, Brian, Ron Harlan, and Ron Ash for all the help in installing the seats.  Also a huge thank you to Mr. Baker for helping to unload the seats when they arrived.  Parents we now have 6 tables near the windows in the cafeteria where you are welcome to come have lunch with your child for a special treat.  This will be much better than the cramped seating we previously had.

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