Monday, July 29, 2013

It's That Time of Year...

It's that time of the year again!  I can't believe how unbelievably fast the summer flew by.  In a short 11 days I will be headed back to work.  Today was my first day working in my classroom.  Okay..well not technically as I did go in and paint over the summer.  I feel like I am starting at square one this year since I moved classrooms.  Today's agenda was simply trying to unpack all of my "treasures" that I stored away for the summer.  I mainly tackled my desks today.  The students desks were thoroughly cleaned, as was my desk.   I took everything out of every drawer, as I tend to start stashing stuff in them at the end of the year...simply to get it off my desk and out of my sight.  It makes for the illusion of a clean/neat classroom.  Every year I start the year off saying this year will be different.  I WILL become organized.  Hopefully with my larger classroom, deep closets, and built in shelves, this will become a reality this year.  I have no pictures tonight.  I was simply too busy tackling the massive amounts of "stuff" in my classroom.  Once I can get all my boxes unpacked...I'll be feeling a lot better.  But until then, I have a lot of work to do.  :)


  1. Good morning, Mrs. Hogan! Where is your new room going to be? I hope you have a great year!

    1. Terri,
      I have moved into Mrs. Fletcher's old room since she retired last year. I have completely repainted the room and bathroom. Today I went to Lowes and bought all new hardware for the cabinets and new coat hooks. I think it's going to look like a whole new room once I'm finished with it. I can't wait to post pictures when I'm done. I hope you have a fabulous year as well. Congrats on building a new home. I can't wait to see pictures when it's all finished.
