Friday, October 18, 2013

Upcoming Conferences

You will notice in your child’s Friday folder you were given a pink slip with your scheduled conference date and time.  If this time does not work for you, please let  me know a date and time that would work for you so we can reschedule a time that better suites you and your family.  I look forward to discussing your child’s education with you next week!

Next week is also Red Ribbon Week.  The elementary students and staff will be dressing up each day next week according to the following themes:
Monday 10/21—DRUGS CAN’T FIND ME! Wear Camouflage clothing
Tuesday 10/22—I’M A “JEAN-IUS” WHO IS “RED-Y” TO MAKE DRUG FREE CHOICES! Wear your jeans and as much red as possible.
Wednesday 10/23—DRUGS ARE RIDICULOUS!  Wear mismatched clothes and ridiculously funny hair.
Thursday 10/24—GO GREE-DON’T LET DRUGS POLLUTE YOUR LIFE! Wear green clothes to show your commitment to a drug free life.
Friday  10/25—CALIFORNIA PINTOS ARE PROUD TO BE DRUG FREE! Wear your red and blue pinto clothes.

I'll be back this weekend with some more pictures of our work with word stations.  I forgot my camera at home so I was unable to upload them.  So...please check back again!  :)

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