Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Literary Work of Fabulous Firsties

We have spent the last two weeks learning about revision and editing.  Students chose their most favorite piece to publish.  Students worked with a partner to revise their piece through storytelling.  The writer would read a page of their story and the reader would then ask questions about the piece {who? what? when? where? why? how? questions}.  Next, the writer would answer the questions and add the information to their piece.

Afterwards, we looked at a piece together as a class and discussed editing.  Students were given an editing checklist and together, page by page, we went through a piece as a class and practiced our editing skills.  Next, the students worked on editing their writing on their own with a red pen.  Finally, the students got to work with their partners again.  Together they went through the editing checklist.  After completing the editing portion, students rewrote their pieces for publication.

I am so excited about sharing some of these great pieces once they are finished.  Students' books will be binded and shared with the class.  They will then be placed in the library for viewing {after we vote for Firstie Newberry Award and Hogan's Caldecott Award}.  In the meantime, please enjoy the pictures of our revising and editing and publishing process.

Students also visited the book fair at the library last Friday.  Here are a few of the students picking out their favorite books.  :) I absolutely LOVE Book Fair Week.  Thanks Mrs. Williams for making it so much fun.  Our class won the BINGO game and got $40 in books.  I was so thrilled!!!

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