Friday, March 21, 2014


I may be out on maternity leave but I’ve been blessed to see what’s going on in the classroom while I’m absent.  I thought you all would enjoy some pictures.  The following are from St. Patrick’s Day and from our last writer’s celebration from our nonfiction writing unit.  Enjoy!

\20140319_11032020140319_11065120140319_11065520140319_11065820140319_110711The students shared their final pieces with Kindergarten students.  What a great way to model to our youngest students that they too can be authors.  Your child’s published piece should of went home on the night of student-led conferences.   I hope you enjoyed their work as much as we did.

20140317_11102020140317_11190020140317_111913The kids were working with Lucky Charms in Math on St. Patrick’s Day.  Look at all that green!!! Smile

Mrs. Oppermann sent home a March Scholastic Book Flyer today.  The orders are due on Monday, March 31st.  You can order online by using our class code of GWT29.

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