Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thank you….Student Led Conferences

I want to start out this post by saying thank you to those of you that supported McTeacher night.  Once again, my little firsties had the largest attendance percentage.  I wish I was there to see their sweet little faces when they heard they won the McDonald’s lunch again!!!  Thank you so much for supporting our elementary school.  You guys ROCK!

Student led conferences are coming up this week. Thursday, March 20th.   I will not be there as I am still on maternity leave.  However, Mrs. Julie Oppermann will be there on Thursday evening. These conferences are student-led.  This means that you WILL need to bring your child with you to conferences.  They will be taking you around our classroom and explaining some of the activities they participate in daily.  This is a great way for you to get a look into their daily lives as a first grader.  You will also receive your child’s grade card on Thursday night.  If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress in first grade.  Please contact me for a separate individual conference.

Before I had Miss Karly Christine, I was busy at work updating my Easter literacy packet.  I wanted to add some other activities in the unit.  I especially wanted to add some of the language standards into this packet that I knew I would need at this time of the year.  You can check out this packet below.


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