Thursday, November 6, 2014

Book Fair

The book fair is coming to California Elementary School next week.  Our class will visit the book fair on Wednesday, November 12th from 1:00 to 1:30.  If you would like to have your child purchase something from the book fair when we visit, please send money in a sealed envelope with your child's name, teacher's name, and money for book fair clearly written on the envelope.  This will help ensure that the money doesn't get into the wrong hands if your child misplaces the envelope before making it to class.  I will collect all envelopes and pass them back out to the class once we arrive at the book fair.  Please keep in mind that book fairs charge tax.  Unlike the Scholastic flyers that you order from in our classroom, books and other items at the book fair will have a tax fee added on to the purchase of the book.  If you look at the flyer or the Scholastic book fair app and find a book that you want your child to purchase, please send a little extra money for tax.  Also, if you have a specific book in mind that you want your child to purchase, please send me a note inside the envelope and I will help your child find the book you wished for her/him to write.

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