Saturday, February 7, 2015

Research in First Grade

You might be thinking...research?  How does a first grader conduct research?   We have been learning about penguins for a few weeks in class.  The students were given articles and books about penguins that we read during shared reading.  We also watched bits and pieces of the documentary The March of the Penguins.  While watching the movie, the students were given a journal to record their learning.  Afterwards, the students paired up and were given more nonfiction material on penguins.  The students partner read and recorded anything new that they learned about penguins.  Next week, the students will take their journals to computer class with Mrs. Allee.  They will take the facts they recorded and create a slideshow presentation about penguins.  Once they complete their presentations they will have the opportunity to share their work with other classrooms.  Here are some pictures of our work:

Some important reminders:
*Tonight is the Me and My Special Guy Dance in the elementary gym from 7-9 p.m.
*Valentine's Party is on Thursday, February 12th.  Don't forget to bring in your valentine box and cards.  The class list was sent home yesterday on the back of the newsletter.  If you lost your list and need another one, please let me know ASAP!
*NO SCHOOL, Friday, February 13th for professional development.
*NO SCHOOL, Monday, February 16th for President's Day

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