Sunday, March 1, 2015

We RoCkeD it to the 120th Day

Last Friday was the 120th day of school.  I can't even believe how fast this school year is going.  We celebrated the 120th day by dressing like RoCK sTArs.  The kids really rocked their outfits.  They were super cute!!!  We celebrated the day by writing 120 words, reading 120 books, skip counting by 5's to 120, sorting snacks into groups of 10 and then skip counting them to 120, and last but not least writing our numbers to 120.  The kids had a blast.  I so enjoyed celebrating their successes with them today.  Here are some pictures of our day.

Monday is Read Across America Day.  We will celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday by dressing in our pajamas.  In addition, I asked that everyone bring in their favorite children's book from home.  I will bringing my favorite book as well.  I can't wait to share our favorite books during our literacy rotations and write about our favorite books.  The kids will have the opportunity to read Dr. Suess books.  In addition, we will learn about the famous author during our shared reading.  Monday will be another fantabulous celebration.  I can hardly wait!!!!!

In other academic news, we will be finished up our unit on comparing and contrasting.  Our finals comparison will be one of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  We will then spend a week reviewing all of our CAFE reading strategies.  In science we will continue our unit on weather.  We have been recording the weather since groundhog's day to see if that 'ole groundhog was telling the truth!!!!  We will begin learning about the different types of weather this week.  Our science will extend into our shared reading as well as we learn about the different types of wet weather and weather tools.  Be on the lookout this week for a new math news that will come home on Friday.

Other reminders:
Monday, March 2nd:  Dress in pajamas for Read Across America Day./February Book It Calendars are DUE today!
Monday, March 2nd:  McTeacher Night at McDonald's  Your first grade teachers will be working at 7:00 p.m.  Come see me and bring in your colored McDonald's sheet for a chance to win a happy meal lunch at school!  McTeacher Night runs from 4-8p.m.
Sunday, March 8th: Daylight savings begins...Spring Forward
Tuesday, March 17th:  Student-Led Parent Teacher Conferences/Grade Cards go home.
Friday, March 20th:  NO SCHOOL - 1/2 day professional development 1/2 day compensation day
Friday, March 27th:  PTO Movie Night
Monday, March 30:  NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, March 31:  NO SCHOOL

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