Saturday, October 24, 2015

Field Trip Fun

I want to begin this post by saying thank you to those parents that joined us on the field trip.  I hope you all enjoyed your time with our class.  Trips like these could not be possible without our parent helpers.  We had a great time at The Peach Tree Farm on Wednesday.  Here are a few of the pictures I have edited from our trip.  I will try to post more as the months continue.

A couple of reminders.  This week is parent teacher conferences.  I will be sending home reminder times on Monday in your child's blue homework folder.  Please arrive on time.  Also, please keep in mind that each conference is 15 minutes.  Below are some of the important dates for you to remember for the coming weeks.

Grades will be handed out during parent teacher conferences.
10/27-PT conferences
10/28—Pumpkin Investigations.  We are still in need of pumpkins.  
10/29-PT conferences
10/30 No School
11/2—11/6 Book Fair in the Elementary Library
11/4– Our class will visit the book fair on this day.  Flyers will go home next week.
11/9—NO SCHOOL Staff PD day.
11/13—Major Savor Assembly
11/24—Midterms go home.

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