Sunday, November 15, 2015

Life Long Learning

I have always loved learning new things.  It is something I hope that I pass down to my children and my kiddies at school....a genuine love of learning.  Since the beginning of my teaching career, I continued to keep current in all things education.  I love going to conferences to learn from the best of the best.  This year was no different.  This past week, I was out of the classroom to attend the Missouri Early Learning Conference.  It was a great learning experience and I met some of the educational leaders and authors that I admire.  Among those...Tim Rasinski and Marc Brown.  It was a very exciting conference and I learned a lot that I plan on bringing back to my classroom.  Many of things I am bringing back are things I once done in the classroom, but pushed aside years later.  Re-learning of their importance in the classroom and with reading fluency and comprehension I am so excited to get back to them.  Some of my future goals for our classroom: daily poetry, daily word making, using authors as mentors in our writing workshop.   I can't wait to get back into the classroom this week.  I missed the students, but I heard they had a wonderful two days!

I can't even believe it is almost Thanksgiving.  This weekend my family and I have already had not one but two Thanksgiving dinners.  I want to thank all of my wonderful parents for your help in making our Thanksgiving feast possible.  If you haven't done so already, please bring in the highlighted items on your list that went home last Wednesday.  If you are unable to bring in these items, please let me know as soon as possible so I can assign the item to someone else.  

Also, if you forgot to return your yearbook order form, please do so no later than tomorrow morning.

I'll leave you with a picture of our first grade team with the author Marc Brown.  We even got him to autograph our books!

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