Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Our Feet Wet

The students have been busy this week learning new classroom procedures and what is expected of them in first grade.  This is an important time in the school year as it often sets the tone for the behaviors in and out of the classroom.  This week the students are also getting a taste of each of our subject areas and the types of learning activities that will be taking place in first grade.  We have officially began discussing the Daily 5 Literacy Stations and are currently working on building up our stamina (how many minutes we can work independently).  The students have learned what is expected of them during our Read to Self daily 5 literacy station.  They have been given books in their reading boxes that fit their needs as a reader.  Our goal on the first day of reading was to read independently for 3 minutes.  If we reach our reading goal, the next day we add more reading time to our Read to Self station.  We have currently reached a goal of 5 minutes, therefore, tomorrow we will work towards reading for 6 minutes.  Throughout the next week, the students will continue to learn about the Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Listen to Reading stations.

Not only have the students been learning the procedures of our Daily 5 stations, they have been involved in writer's workshop.  Currently, we are learning the procedures of our writer's workshop and are merely getting our feet wet in learning how to be a storyteller.

 Reading and Writing is at the heart of everything we do in our class.  I hope to instill a love of reading and writing in all of my firsties this year!

Now...."What Makes a Good Student?"  Check out the students' responses.  We read David Goes to School by David Shannon and created an anchor to remind us how good students act.

I want to remind parents that I have created a page off to the right entitled, Academic Updates.  I will be updating this page each week to let you know what our class is learning.  Please take a look so you can get a small peek into our classroom.  This will also give you some insight on the things you can work with your child at home on.  Thank you for all of your support.  Below you will find some pictures of our fun at recess.  Please check out the new shade pavilion.  The students have enjoyed using it this year to stay out of the HOT sun.  Thank you PTO for supporting our school!

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