Friday, August 3, 2012

A Brand New School Year

Yesterday marked the first day working in my classroom for the 2012-2013 school year.  The maintenance staff has worked extremely hard this summer preparing our buildings for the upcoming school year.  I'm so excited to have NEW lights, a NEW  ceiling, a mounted projector (finally no more projector on rolling carts!!!) and drum please.......MORE OUTLETS!!!  These updates have just made my room.  I am so excited about this upcoming school year.  My room is far from being ready for my firsties that will be arriving August 14 for open house.  I always have my work cut out for me.  It is usually so overwhelming when I first come in my room because I have to unpack EVERYTHING!  It makes for a long first couple of days just removing things from storage, dusting them off, and finding a new home for them.  I completely did an overhaul in my classroom setup this year so it is making for even more work.  I usually try to keep up some of the stuff I always have hanging in my room up over the summer, but this year I had to take everything down for the new ceilings.  So....this means I have double the work.  I also had my another PLC (professional learning community)leadership team meeting yesterday with our awesome new Principal and new Assistant Principal.  I feel like we have a great plan laid out for our upcoming staff professional development days.  We have lots of newbies this year and I know they will all make excellent additions to our already awesome group of teachers and administrators.  Making my first of probably many many trips to the "teacher" store tomorrow and planning on going in and getting more work done in my room.  I can't wait until my room starts looking like a classroom learning environment soon!  I didn't bring my camera with me when I worked yesterday so I don't have any pictures (yet!) to add.  I'll try to get some tomorrow and add them to this post.  Also be on the lookout for new pictures on the "Tour Our Class" page since I have completely "changed" things up this year.  Until next time....

Okay so here goes some before pictures of my classroom.
What a mess!

This will be the classroom library.  I love the little nook feel.

A work in progress complete with a pack-n-play in all!
So you can see the classroom is a work in progress.  I still have desks that need to be leveled, packages that need to be opened, and bulletin boards to finish.  Most importantly, I have open house packets to complete and plans to get ready for the first week of school.  I sure do have a busy week ahead of me.  Let the long work hours begin!!!

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