Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Read to Someone...IPick...Graphs...and MORE

We have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY this week!  Our reader's workshop is almost completely in full swing.  The students are continuing to build stamina while they read to self.  We are currently reading to self for ten minutes!  This week we discussed the different ways to read to someone.  The students learned how to sit together and read with a partner.  In our class students are to sit EEKK when at the read to someone stage.  We remember this by saying "Elbow to elbow, knee to kneew, I'll read to you and you'll read to me, elbow to elbow, knee to knee, book in the middle so we both can see."  We have also learned two ways to read to someone;  the first being I Read, You Read.  This is where one student reads his/her book and their partner repeats what they are reading.  This strategy of read to someone works on fluency {being able to read smoothly, with few errors, and understand what is being read}.  The other way to read to someone the students have been introduced to is check for understanding.  During this type of reading, one student reads the story, stopping periodically for their partner to check for understanding.  I have taught the children to tell who and what the story is about while checking for understanding.

Later in the week, we had a discussion on how to choose appropriate good fit books when checking out books in our class library, school's library, town library, or even at home.  I first discussed how we all have different needs as students just like we all have different shoe sizes.  I brought in shoes from home that belonged to my husband, myself, my three year old daughter, and my 8 month old daughter.  I tried each of these shoes on in class to demonstrate how just because one shoe fits someone else it doesn't mean that that shoe will also fit me.  Just as one book may fit a student in class, but not another student.  It is important to teach this lesson, because often children like to do the same things their peers are doing, especially if it is one of their best friends.  The students need to know that in order to become a better reader and practice the reading strategies and skills that will enable them to become a better reader that they read books that meet their needs as a reader.  I then went in to describing IPick.

Which is your "good fit shoe?"
choose a book.
purpose- Why am I reading it?
Interest- Am I interested in it?
Comprehension- Do I understand it?
Know- Do I know the words?

These questions help guide our book choice in and outside of class.  In addition to these aspects of our reader's workshop, groups have also been able to go back and practice using the listen to reading station.  

In math we have been graphing a lot of data.  We are reviewing the different types of graphs we can create.  It isn't enough to just graph the information.  Once we have it we must interepret the data {information} we received.  The students are doing really well and are enjoying the graphing activities in class.  
Surveying the class to determine the favorite color of our class.

More graphing...on the Mimio.

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