Sunday, June 23, 2013

Classroom Makeover!

My “new-to-me” room got a makeover this weekend.  It’s out with the old and in with the NEW.  Myself along with some fabulous helpers…a.k.a. Mom and Dad helped with the painting.  It sure is a good thing because I had never painted a day in my life before this weekend.  The hubby stayed home and watched the girls…thanks to him too for taking such good care of our girlies while I was busy working away.  I thought I’d get it all done this weekend before our custodial staff begins cleaning our rooms on Monday….but I failed to do so.  We came pretty close.  However, it looks like in August we will be doing doors, cabinets, and bathroom.  We’ll probably have a few touch-ups to do as well.  So happy with the progress and the room looks great!  Check it out!!


Not the best photos, but I’ll be sure to post my classroom pictures once I get it all completed with décor and all.  So excited about the coming school year, but for now I’m going to enjoy this time with my children.  Smile

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  1. I love the colors! My classroom is purple, turquoise, and black this year. I would love to see more pictures of your classroom! I wish we could paint our rooms, mine is the color of oatmeal and my cabinets are a weird green color!

  2. We are very lucky that we get to paint. Before the room was a dingy cream color with ugly brown and yellowish brick. Our class color is purple so there was already some purple in the room just not very much. I'm so glad I was able to make the room bright and cheery. I only wish I could paint my door. Our school colors are red, white, and blue so the doors coming into the room have to remain the same.
