Wednesday, January 30, 2013

100th day and Powerful Learning

Boy am I ever in love with my new blog layout.  As you can see, I dedicated a lot of my free time this weekend to updating and enhancing our class blog.  I hope you all like it.  I mentioned that I taught a little social media class to my colleagues this past week.{What did you all think of the youtube video I posted?  Pretty mind boggling huh?!!}  I guess my presentation pushed me to want to make some changes to my blog.  I am a big penny pincher so I am all for freebies and I completed all these blog updates on my own thanks to some great tutorials that I found via Pinterest and some of my all time favorite bloggers. 

Aside from blogging this weekend, I was a pretty busy lady.  Cleaning and taking care of two little ones is enough to fill up my days.  However, on top of the usual I was preparing to be out of the classroom on Monday and Tuesday to attend The Powerful Learning ConferenceAs a team PLC leader in my school district, I get the opportunity to go to this conference every year.  I am very much looking forward to learning from some exemplary schools.  I'll be sure to come back and let you in on some of the fab things I'm sure to learn.

My little firsties were very busy this past week.  We continued making inferences this week in reading with some of my favorite poems written by Eloise Greenfield.  The kiddies were in love with these poems as much as I am!!  I love it when their little minds get so revved up for learning. It was also the 100th day of school on Friday.  This kids came dressed liked they were 100 years old {another fab Pinterest find}.  They were so adorable.  We completed the activities that were in Deanna Jumps 100th day unit.  You can check it out here. Here's a little peek at what we did this past week.
We dressed like we were 100 years old on the 100th day of school!

Writing 100 words.

Race to 100 game from Deanna Jumps 100th Day unit.

Visualizing with Honey I Love
Visualizing with Honey I Love
Next week, I plan to pull out my little Inference Investigations.  This is a great follow up activity pack to your introductory lessons on inferencing.  If you haven't checked it is a MUST.  Head on over to Abby's store now and pick it up.

We have finished our little unit on Martin Luther King, Jr. so I am getting ready to teach our weather unit to the kids.  I LOVE teaching about weather.  I have been busy creating a nonfiction literacy unit on weather.  I have officially got it posted to TpT....FINALLY!!!  Here's a little sneak peek at what's inside.

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